It’s Cock O’clock Somewhere

6 min readSep 10, 2022


We’re memeable and a bit absurd but we’re also a collection of top tier NFT project founders, content creators, engineers, marketers, business devs and much more. We’re bringing new tech to the Web3 space in a fun and entertaining way.

Who we are

We’re a collective of some of the top minds in the space. We have successful projects that still exist today with collections in the tens of thousands. We’re developers, engineers, creatives, marketers, business developers and much more. We love the challenge of creating new technologies in uncharted waters and we’re here to stay.

The reality is, the NFT space is harsh — especially if you’re trying to build long term in a bear market. Not to mention, people’s hard earned money is on the line. The aforementioned and multiple more variables is why we chose to launch our latest project as a free mint.

What does a free mint do in our minds? It allows us to build and deliver value to naturally raise the floor and not be constantly bombarded with “wen this”, “wen that”, “wen now” - day in and day out in Discord. In addition, artificially pumping and dumping a free mint is getting exponentially harder to try to make a quick buck. In other words, the juice isn’t worth the squeeze even for the most sophisticated scam artist.

The future of NFTs is about delivering value. Not how high you can get your initial floor price to be. So repeat after me,

“We believe in delivering value for our community by building, and building, and building some more, and oh and that’s right, building some more.”

Grab your cock and let’s show you how….

Web 2 + Web 3 = Web 5.0

What is Web 5.0? It’s the meld of using the best Web 2 technologies and combining them with the most cutting edge tech that Web 3 has to offer. Let’s be honest, we’re still a long way away from super complex functionality on chain.

But don’t worry there’s so much to be excited about. Especially with your cock equipped and ready to charge in the ring. Let us break it down for you on how we’re using Web 5.0 to make SFC the little engine that could:

  1. We have developers that have created some of the most notable crypto exchange applications on the planet. In addition, they’ve built open source code for the foundation of some of the biggest blockchains that exist in current day trading.
  2. Leveraging existing Web 2 technologies and combining them with the blockchain allow us to showcase things that we think should’ve be done years ago. We store all our NFT data in a traditional PostgreSQL database, use redis caching servers, and have implemented a background job processing system using sidekiq. That way the web experience is always fast, and metadata updates don’t require an ethereum transaction.
  3. The whole system is designed to put users in control of their NFTs! Why shouldn’t you be able to create your own rarity of your NFT by adding to it’s properties by buying equipment, naming it, and creating a bio. Don’t worry — we got you covered. Check this shit out:
Mushroom Stamp Magee’s rarity could sky rocket one day due to his detailed bio, amazing name and lore that this individual holder built. And what’s that? Yep, it shows up on your favorite NFT exchange like OpenSea thanks to Web 5.0

3. Our expert developers and engineers will continue to use their top-tier
Web 2 knowledge and Web 3 expertise to bring simple but impactful functionality shown above, but wait, there’s more……

What We’ve Done

In a little over a month. we’ve delivered more functionality with our collection than projects that have made millions with a much longer time-frame of 6 months or more. Like we said in the beginning, we show our value through building. Check out what the cock clan has already built below:

Website consisting of 3 sections

The Locker Room

The locker room is where it all begins. Connect your wallet, name your chicken, create a bio and of course no cock goes into the ring without being equipped. Don’t forget, all this awesomeness gets recorded to the blockchain through periodic batch uploads to the contract and will reflect on your favorite NFT platform such as OpenSea.

The Shop

That’s right we didn’t just stop at the locker room. We’ve already created a fully functional shop where you can spend your virtual currency “tendies” to equip your chicken. Weapons, armor, consumables and special items are all available to buy and prep your cock for battle. And take a wild guess, but yes, your items will travel with your chicken on the blockchain for life.

The Pit

Do you really want your mind blown? Take a seat and we’ll explain. In a little over a month we already delivered a live glitch free Title Fight in The Pit! We voted on our favorite cocks using our community which helped us determine the cock battle for our first title event in SFC history.

We bring you Uncircumsized Samoan vs. Gerald. The Pit was opened the night of August 26th to showcase the possibility of what’s to come. A fully animated video was created to visualize the two cocks in battle and then alternating endings were created depending on the outcome of the fight.

We didn’t even know who would win the fight!

This was made possible through a simple provable algorithm. At its core, the fight happens at a block height in the future. One where no one knows what the hash will be!

When the block height is hit, the hash for that block is known, and the fight starts. The first thing we calculate are the stats for each fighter. This is done by calculating a stats hash for each fighter using the NFTs token_uri and the newly discovered block hash.

Digest::SHA2.hexdigest "#{token_uri(}:#{block_hash}"

We then derive the health, strength, armor, crit, stamina, spice, and one extra hidden ability based on the stats hash.

Now that we know data about the fighters, we can calculate battle_hash needed for the fight.

Digest::SHA2.hexdigest "#{stats1.hash}:#{stats2.hash}

Based off this hash, we determine which fighter goes first based off the first character. If the value in decimal is less than 8, then player 1 goes first.

In the main event fight the battle_hash was:


Therefore the Uncircumsized Samoan went first! We then use the rest of that hash to calculate critical hits, bleed damage, and other battle data.

The final log was:

["Uncircumsized Samoan  has landed a critical strike for 10 damage!",
"GERALD bled for 5 damage!",
"GERALD has hit Uncircumsized Samoan for 14 damage!",
"Uncircumsized Samoan has hit GERALD for 5 damage!",
"GERALD bled for 10 damage!",
"GERALD has landed a critical strike for 30 damage!",
"Uncircumsized Samoan has landed a critical strike for 11 damage!",
"GERALD bled for 15 damage!"],

The white paper will include all the juicy details for the tech savvy audience.

Outcome if Uncircumsized Samoan won:

Outcome if Gerald won:

So to recap, the decision of the title fight outcome was decided by the blockchain and the items equipped on the chicken! The ending was then picked in real time depending on the calculated winner.

So What’s Next?

You guessed right, we’re building. Here’s what’s in store:

  • Fully functional battle arena where you can challenge your friends who own a cock or take down a cock that looks weak. Remember, we’re recording that win loss record! Who knows? Maybe your cock is good enough for the next title fight!
  • On chain ETH betting — a first of its kind.
  • Community arena battles. We bring our cocks to the NFT world. We’ll use the diehard SFC community to figure what community we start with and expand from there. Think about the possibilities! Move over discord poker nights and garticbot, the cocks are coming!




Written by SuperFriedChicken

5999 Super F#$%eD UP Chickens running wild on the ETH Blockchain

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